
Team Leader, Nurturing Climate Resilience in Cambodia -Nurture
Client: Caritas CH and HEKS/EPER supported by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)

Project Details

I led the project team in the Design and Inception Phase of the project in 2022 and then established the four provincial teams and the central project unit at Siem Reap in order to bring a climate resilient approach to the ground:

The Nurture Project addresses climate resilience of smallholder farmers using a systemic approach addressing a range of problems associated with financial, technical, institutional, and informational gaps, which are preventing farmers from transitioning to greater levels of resilience.

The project’s overall goal is that:” Vulnerable smallholder farming households and their communities are more resilient to climate change and have increased incomes through climate proofing of agroecological farming systems. "

The project covers four provinces (Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear Province). 12 districts and 36 communes have been prioritized for initial activities.

Existing irrigation systems as well as rainfed upland areas are targeted with the aim to increase smallholder farmers’ yields, improve access to water, enhance adoption of agroecological practices and diversify farming systems and incomes, getting away from rice monocropping and towards a market-oriented sustainable environment.

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